b'Why Should I Considera No-Smoking Policy?It is legal and a growing trend nationwide.No-smoking or smoke-free policies are legal and have been implemented in thousands of multiunit residential properties, and by a majority of the housing authorities in Colorado.A no-smoking policy saves you money.It reduces the cost of cleaning, painting, repairs, and replacement. It reduces energy consumption. It reduces the cost of general maintenance. It may reduce insurance costs. There is market demand for these policies.Most Colorado residents, including low-income populations, do not allow smoking in their homes and prefer to live in a smoke-free building. Your residents will likely stay longer.Coloradans are used to smoke-free workplaces, restaurants, bars, and public The decision to implement no-smoking places and have come to expect clean airpolicies in more than 200 Denver inside their housing. area apartment buildings Cornerstone manages has been one of the best decisions I have made over the last 20 years. It has significantly reduced maintenance, repair and turnover costs. Furthermore, residents and staff The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating andlove it.Air-Conditioning Engineers recommends prohibiting Jim Lorenzen, President,all smoking activity in multifamily buildings to Cornerstone Apartment Services, Inc. protect residents, staff and visitors from the health Denver, COeffects of exposure to secondhand smoke.4mysmokefreehousing.org | cosmokefreehousing.org'