My Smoke-Free Housing
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TOPIC:Resources for Residents

Colorado Legal Services for Low-Income Coloradans (External Link)

Colorado Renters Guide (PDF)

Dangers of E-Cigarette & Marijuana Smoke (External Link)

Devices and Tests to Detect Smoking in Housing (PDF)

Documenting Your Smoking Complaints in Apartments (PDF)

Establishing Smoke-Free Policies in Multiunit Housing Guide (External Link)

Fair Housing Options for People Affected by Secondhand Smoke (PDF)

File a Complaint About Secondhand Smoke in Your Apartment (External Link)

Filing a Civil Rights Housing Discrimination Complaint (External Link)

Guide to Using the Warranty of Habitability Law (External Link)

HUD Resident Rights Booklet (External Link)

Legal Smoke-Free Options for Apartment/Condo Residents (PDF)

Legality of Smoke-Free Policies in Multifamily Housing (PDF)

Smoke-Free Housing Management Resources (External Link)

Smoking Complaints in Colorado Apartments (PDF)

Tips for Condominium Owners (PDF)

Tips on Hiring a Lawyer (PDF)

Using an Accommodation Process for Smoke-Free Housing (PDF)

Using Disability Laws to Resolve Smoke Drift in Housing (PDF)

Writing a Smoking Complaint to a Property Manager (PDF)


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